Here they are:
Upon making himself a member, the first account to be opened is the Shares account. This account will make the member a shareholder of the Society.
An investment of MUR 1000 should be paid.
This is represented by 100 shares of MUR 10.
A member should contribute regularly in that account. At some point in time he will be eligible to borrow up to five times his life savings.
His repayment capacity as well as security provided will be first assessed.
A life saving Insurance Cover is provided free of charge on that account.
The assigned nominee/s of the member shall obtain an Insurance Cover equivalent to his Life Savings balance at the time of his death.
Note that contributions made to Life Savings Account after the age of 70 years will not be covered.

Open Account
Membership is open to every honest Mauritian, regardless of sex, class, creed or political beliefs.
All you have to do is to be recommended by 2 existing members of the society.
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